Fixed Assets Software
An integrated Software to keep track of the fixed assets Register

About Fixed Assets Software
FAMS (Fixed Assets Management Software) is an integrated software to keep track of the fixed assets register and the related accounts. It has covered practically all the modules that a company looks for.
FAMS has been developed in POWERBUILDER 8.0, Visual Basic(6.0), Visual Basic.Net as front end tools and the user can choose from a wide range of backend RDMS tools like MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, Access etc. It’s a true GUI based 32 bit user friendly Software which supports Draft Mode Printing. The amazing computing speed of the software reduces computing time to a great extend.
Features of FAMS
Fixed Asset Reports
- Final Fixed Asset Register
- Summary Register (Asset Wise)
- Summary Register (Garden Wise)
- Fixed Asset Listing
- Physical Verification List
- Verification List With Optional Value
- Summary Register (G. L. Wise)
- Final Fixed Asset Register (For the Year)
- Summary Register (Asset Wise) [ For the Year]
- Summary Register (Garden Wise) [ For the Year]
- Summary Register (G.L. Wise) [ For the Year]
- Fixed Asset Deletion Status [ For the Year]
- Fixed Asset Register for Addition ( Details )
- Fixed Asset Register for Deletion ( Details )
- Location Master
- Department Master
- Asset Main Group Master
- Asset Group Master
- Asset Sub Group Master
- Asset Sub Group & Main Group Link Master